[fpc-pascal] Brook 1.0 - A new framework for web was born

silvioprog silvioprog at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 00:56:28 CET 2012

2012/12/15 Michalis Kamburelis <michalis.kambi at gmail.com>

> luciano de souza wrote:
>> Yes, there is a very nice tool. Its name is Pasdoc. Take a look here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/**projects/pasdoc/<http://sourceforge.net/projects/pasdoc/>
>> For this project, the author has changed the source code of Pasdoc.
>> Originally, it's compatible only with HTML 4, but the documentation
>> was released in HTML 5.
> And the improvements will be (I'm counting on it :) contributed back to
> PasDoc and available in it's next version, see http://sourceforge.net/p/**
> pasdoc/feature-requests/50/<http://sourceforge.net/p/pasdoc/feature-requests/50/>:)
> Michalis

I'll send the patchs as soon as I get back from vacation.

Thank you guy! :)

Silvio Clécio
My public projects - github.com/silvioprog
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