[fpc-pascal] Lazarus 1.0 Release

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Aug 29 20:05:19 CEST 2012

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of:
            Lazarus 1.0
At this important stage the current team would like to thank all the past and current people who were involved in getting us here.
* Thanks also go to the FPC team for providing the compiler that makes it all possible.
* Special thanks go to the founders of the project who started Lazarus more than a decade ago in 1999: Cliff Baeseman, Shane Miller and Michael A. Hess.
* A history of developers involved can be found at http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/History. And a list of the many contributors comes with the distribution.  

The release is available for download at the SourceForge download page:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the "Lazarus 1.0" directory.

Minimum requirements:
Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
Mac OS X:      10.4, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit

This release has been built with fpc 2.6.0 (the former release was built with that too).

The svn tag is

The list of changes:

For people who are blocked by SF, the Lazarus releases from sourceforge are mirrored at:
and later at (after some time for synchronization)


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