[fpc-pascal] TSQLDBLibraryLoader committed for SQLDB

LacaK lacak at zoznam.sk
Wed Aug 22 07:46:21 CEST 2012

Hi Michael,
ok, there is in sqldblib unit setter function "SetCype" ... may be, that 
there is typo and better name would be "SetCType" ?
If you decide to correc it, then please change also all CType (Ctype, 
CTYpe,) occurences to "CType" ;-))

> Hi,
> After recent discussions about which library to load when loading DB 
> client
> libraries, I changed the default names for Firebird, MySQL, Postgres.
> araminta: >./loadlibdemo list
> Available connection types:
> Firebird, Default library name: libfbclient.so.2.5
> MySQL 4.0, Default library name: libmysqlclient.so.12
> MySQL 4.1, Default library name: libmysqlclient.so.14
> MySQL 5.0, Default library name: libmysqlclient.so.15
> MySQL 5.1, Default library name: libmysqlclient.so.16
> MySQL 5.5, Default library name: libmysqlclient.so.18
> PostGreSQL, Default library name: libpq.so.5
> I also committed a component that allows you to select the library to 
> load
> in the IDE. There is a small test program in fcl-db/examples that 
> shows how
> to use the component.
> (In the IDE: drop, set connector type from picklist, maybe change 
> library name, set to enabled).
> The above listing is the output of the test program.
> The component is registered now in the SQLDb package.
> Note that the use of the component is optional. It's only needed if 
> you want
> to change the library name to something else as the default.
> Michael.
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