[fpc-pascal] FPC vs Delphi's unicode string support questions

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sat Aug 18 23:52:54 CEST 2012

On 18 Aug 2012, at 22:22, Sven Barth wrote:

> E.g. consider the following example:
> {$mode delphiunicode}
> type
>  TMyStringList = class(TStringList)
>    function Add(const aText: String): Integer; override;
>  end;
> This will currently give a compile error, because TStringList is compiled with "String = AnsiString" and thus the override is incorrect.
> AFAIK there isn't any switch for that mode yet. You might want to create a bug report...

A bug report for that is not useful at this time, because this is the part on which there is still discussion. It will depend on how the RTL is handled whether any switch will even be required for that (other than {$mode delphiunicode}).


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