[fpc-pascal] Re: linux:shouldwehard-codeversionedorunversioned shared libraries in our apps?

Ludo Brands ludo.brands at free.fr
Thu Aug 16 15:29:33 CEST 2012

> > It is a different story but an integral part of this particular 
> > problem. Why else has the "solution" to be spelled out 
> everytime the 
> > problem pops up? You'll say people don't make the effort to 
> read old 
> > messages. But in this thread alone you'll find a 
> "InitializeInterbase" 
> > and a "Did you try ibase60dyn.initializeibase60('whatever.so'); in 
> > your dpr ?" in messages from people that are supposed to be 
> > references. Both functions don't exist...
> That is the whole point of these discussions. They are heated 
> and overfocus on some detail that is considered all 
> inhibiting, and they compare detail problems of the current 
> implementation with a future implementation that is 
> perfect on paper. (and of course it never is).
> If you want documentation, write documentation, don't discuss 
> change requests.
Who is heating the discussion now? I said that lack of documentation is
_part_ of the problem with the current implementation and the solution is
"write documentation"? 

> > > This is all IIRC, it was some time ago. I think mysql users
> > > are more familiar with these problems :-)
> > > 
> > 
> > Correct but I fail to see the relation to the subject at hand: the 
> > library being used.
> If drastic changes (like postponing header initialization 
> till larger parts of the LCL are in the air) must be made, I 
> rather fix all issues.
I have read the line 5 times but I don't understand what you are trying to

> Anyway, the crucial question still hasn't been answered, does 
> sqldb/lazarus have designtime database connections like 
> Delphi/zeos has? 

Yes it has
(http://wiki.freepascal.org/SQLdb_Package#Using_the_SQLdb_Package). There
are some differences with Delphi/Zeos like the ability to preview query
results or specify the library to be used but I won't overfocus on these


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