[fpc-pascal] Re: Get all caller adresses of a given function/procedure before executing
Rainer Stratmann
RainerStratmann at t-online.de
Tue Aug 14 15:05:48 CEST 2012
Am Tuesday 14 August 2012 14:36:44 schrieb Martin:
> On 14/08/2012 13:19, Rainer Stratmann wrote:
> > It was more or less exactly the way I did it before with little
> > exaggerating as you notice :-)
> > Even now I save 50% codesize in comparison to resourcestring.
> If you don't like resource string, inho there are 2 alternatives that
> are (IMHO) better:
> 1)
> plain array with all text constants. You can break it into one array per
> unit, and have a register a search-handler via the unit's initialization.
> const MySnippets: Array [1..xxx] of string = ('text', '...', ... ];
> For more readability (but it adds source code (should not add more to exe)
> const
> snip1: 'text';
> MySnippets: Array [1..xxx] of string = (snip1, '...', ... ];
> (actually, I havent testet if the compiler takes the 2nd
Then you have to put _all_ text snippets at once there (!)
I didn't count my text snippets in this project, but they are spread over
about more than 10 units.
> 2)
> Since you seem to want something that is easier to type.
> Keep using
> writeln(ls('text'));
> Instead of analysing the exe, write your own pre-precessor.
I considered this, but the solution now is - in my view - unbeatably easy.
And that is what counts for me.
> The pre-processor can scan the source, create a temporary copy in which
> it replaces the text in ls() with a reference to the "MySnippets[]" array.
> It also creates and includes a unit with that array.
> It then calls the compiler on the temporary created sources....
> At least it will keep working even if fpc internals change.
I do not worry about this. The search procedure can easily adapted then.
> And it is cross platform (includes cross-CPU)
Yes, that's true. But I am confident to find here also a solution once it will
be necessary.
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