[fpc-pascal] Re: SQLDB GetSchemaInfoSQL for indexes etc?
lacak at zoznam.sk
Wed Apr 18 08:27:52 CEST 2012
> I don't have Delphi with dbExpress here, so can't test.
I did some tests in Delphi XE with DBExpress and MySQL:
for stTables column names are: CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName,
TableType ('TABLE')
(in FPC (for IBConnection) we have catalog_name, schema_name,
table_name, table_type)
for stProcedures : CatalogName, SchemaName, ProcedureName, ProcedureType
(in FPC (for IBConnection) we have catalog_name, schema_name, proc_name,
proc_type and others)
for stColumns : CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName, TypeName
('char', 'integer' etc.), Precision, Scale, Ordinal, DefaultValue,
IsNullable, IsAutoincrement, and others.
for stIndexes : CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, IndexName,
ConstraintName, IsPrimary, IsUnique, IsAscending
(in list are included also PRIMARY KEYs and UNIQUE constraints)
for stUserNames : CatalogName, SchemaName
(used by GetSchemaNames)
> Anyway, I think I have some draft SQL standard in PDF lying around
> somewhere - I'll try and dig it up and see what INFORMATION_SCHEMA views
> should throw up.
> Thanks,
> regards,
> Reinier
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