[fpc-pascal] Apache module with fpc 2.4.x on Apache 2.2.x (64bit)

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Fri May 27 01:44:59 CEST 2011

 >The error that exists in the ticket is not displayed. Seemingly, start
 > of httpd seems to success. However, the process terminate immediately.
 > Is there another possible cause?
 > Takashi

If you compile with the proper HTTPD directory (httpd22 in this case), 
it should work.
No error message in the apache error.log? Apache always says something 
when the startup is not successful.

Your small example library code is working here (Ubuntu 10.10, FPC 2.5.1 
SVN), httpd13 and httpd20 directories are deleted.
Compiled with: fpc -Xs -XX -fPIC -omod_simple.so mod_simple.pas
Apache starts, runs, pages are served properly with the mod_simple.so 
loaded .


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