[fpc-pascal] Timezone information in a dataset datetime field?- updated

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 21:53:58 CEST 2011

Hello FPC-Pascal,

Monday, July 25, 2011, 6:23:21 PM, you wrote:

JH> And even if dates are correctly stored in UTC it is not easy to reliably
JH> get back the "local time". Daylight savings were changed in the past
JH> (and may also change in the future). If you have a date/time of  
JH> 2001-05-01 18:00 UTC it is not easy to predict what local time it was in
JH> time zone x. You would need a history of all daylight saving algorithms
JH> of the past and the future for all time zones (or even countries).

This already exists, but future settings are impossible to predict, so
a local time in the future is a no-no and should be avoided as much as

Best regards,

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