[fpc-pascal] Help building fpc svn Win64

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 12:12:00 CET 2011

Hello FPC-Pascal,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 10:26:12 AM, you wrote:

VS> 2011/1/5 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
>>> This snapshot is missing the cmp.exe file, so I had used the win32
>>> one. After an error about not found as.exe I had used the win32
>>> version too, but now I'm stuck at an ld.exe problem. The win32 version
>>> of ld.exe does not have a "pei-x86-64" target so the make process
>>> stops.
VS> I would not build the fp ide.

I'm building from the point of view of a Windows user, not familiar
with make, not from the point of view that somebody that knows that
fp.exe is the text mode IDE, so even as I do not use FP I always run
"make clean all install ..." as it is the only way to detect releasing
problems like this (bug or not, but hard to solve for a Windows user).

Best regards,

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