[fpc-pascal] Help building fpc svn Win64

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 00:34:21 CET 2011

Hello FPC-Pascal,

I'm stuck trying to build fpc win64 svn. As a bootstrap I'm using
2.4.3 from a snapshot at http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/

This snapshot is missing the cmp.exe file, so I had used the win32
one. After an error about not found as.exe I had used the win32
version too, but now I'm stuck at an ld.exe problem. The win32 version
of ld.exe does not have a "pei-x86-64" target so the make process

These are the very last lines of make:
LibGDB not found

make[4]: Leaving directory `C:/fpc/svn/ide'
make fpc_all
make[4]: Entering directory `C:/fpc/svn/ide'
C:/fpc/svn/compiler/ppcx64.exe -dx86_64 -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Sg -FuC:/fpc/svn/rtl/uni
ts/x86_64-win64 -FuC:/fpc/svn/packages/fv/units/x86_64-win64 -FuC:/fpc/svn/packa
ges/gdbint/units/x86_64-win64 -FuC:/fpc/svn/packages/regexpr/units/x86_64-win64
-FuC:/fpc/svn/packages/fcl-base/units/x86_64-win64 -FuC:/fpc/svn/packages/fcl-xm
l/units/x86_64-win64 -FuC:/fpc/svn/packages/chm/units/x86_64-win64 -FE. -FUunits
/x86_64-win64 -dRELEASE -dNODEBUG  -Xe -k--allow-multiple-definition fp.pas
C:\fpc\fpc\2.4.3\bin\x86_64-win64\ld.exe: invalid BFD target `pei-x86-64'
fp.pas(552,1) Error: Error while linking
fp.pas(552,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[4]: *** [fp.exe] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `C:/fpc/svn/ide'
make[3]: *** [buildfp] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `C:/fpc/svn/ide'
make[2]: *** [gdb] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `C:/fpc/svn/ide'
make[1]: *** [ide_all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/fpc/svn'
make: *** [build-stamp.x86_64-win64] Error 2

Best regards,

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