[fpc-pascal] Pre-initialising a TStringList

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Sun Feb 6 15:19:14 CET 2011

On 06/2/11 1:55, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Given one or more lines of text which are known at compilation time, and
> without the requirement to internationalize (these are, by RFC, US
> ASCII), what is the best way to get them into a TStringList?

Perhaps there are better ways than the straightforward way?

const StringsToUse: string = 'Line 1'+LineEnding+
                              'Line 2'+LineEnding+
                              // + ...
                              'Line n';

var  FPreInitialisedSList: TStringList;

   FPreInitialisedSList := TStringList.Create;

   // ...



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