[fpc-pascal] Testing applications with FPCUnit
Luciano de Souza
luchyanus at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 01:40:10 CET 2011
You would believe if I told you I could not compile yet?
It's not lack of effort, believe me. I really can't understand what is
See my compilation script:
@echo off
set compilerpath="c:\lazarus\fpc\2.4.4\bin\i386-win32\fpc.exe"
set unitpath="-Fuc:\lazarus\fpc\units\i386-win32\*
-Fuc:\lazarus\units\i386-win32\* -Fuc:\lazarus\lcl\units\i386-win32\*"
set debugerpath = ""c:\lazarus\mingw\bin\gdb.exe"
Set NormalParam="-XX"
set DebugParam="-g"
if "%1"=="" goto end else goto start
if "%1"=="-n" goto normalmode
if "%1"=="-d" goto debugmode
if %1=="-g" goto debuger
goto end
%compilerpath% %2 %NormalParam% %unitpath%
goto end
%compilerpath% %2 %DebugParam% %unitpath%
goto end
gdb %1
goto end
When I do: "make -n {filename}", I got an error. "fileutil is not found".
But "fileutil" is in c:\lazarus\lcl\units\i386-win32" and this path is
already added.
Actually, I added this path in fpc.cfg.
Lazbuild seems to simplify compilation using Lazarus. But as a
parameter, it receives a LPI file. However, lpi files are created in
Lazarus interface. The lack of accessibility of Lazarus is so big that
even this task I could not do at Lazarus interface.
If LPI files are really necessary, I must create then manually.
Em 17/12/2011 16:11, Mattias Gaertner escreveu:
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 17:47:49 +0100
> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho<felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Luciano de Souza<luchyanus at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I can compile using callings like:
>>> fpc test.pas
>>> fpc -XX test.pas
>>> fpc test.pas -Fu./pas -FE./exe
>> You can compile Lazarus projects in the command line using lazbuild
>> which comes with Lazarus, like this:
>> lazbuild project.lpi
>> It will build all required projects and otherwise do everything the
>> IDE would do to build the project. The only catch might be if the
>> package requires a package that your Lazarus doesn't know. I don't
>> know which configuration file would need to be modified to tell
>> Lazarus where a package is without opening the IDE.
> lazbuild path/packagename.lpk
> Mattias
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Luciano de Souza
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