[fpc-pascal] Shared libries

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Tue Dec 13 00:17:05 CET 2011

> On 12 Dec 2011, at 19:56, noreply at z505.com wrote:
>> procedure proc1; stdcall;
>> begin
>>  writeln('hello');
>> end; exports proc1;
>> procedure proc2; stdcall;
>> begin
>>  writeln('hello 2');
>> end; exports proc2;
>> end.
>> Notice how I put exports in several places...
>> It works on win32..
> It only partially works. Please see the bug report I mentioned earlier:
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=16070

interesting, I tried BUILD ALL in lazarus ide and it works, but I also
tried not building all and using the EXPORT keyword along with EXPORTS
section, and that requires no build all. Whereas without the EXPORT
keyword it only works if you build all. This is on win32.

So the export keyword does something on win32?

You said that EXPORT keyword is for emx and os/2 ...

But maybe I should look into the compiler sources to see if it does
something else.. it seems to cause the dll to work without a build all..

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