[fpc-pascal] How to read TDOMNode attributes

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 12:46:24 CET 2011

On 2 December 2011 22:26, Frank Church wrote:
> The method in question is the TDomNode.Attributes.Length property. I thought
> something like that shoud exist but I was looking for a Count property.
> Shouldn't it be count instead?

Talk about not being very intuitive.  As I mentioned in another
thread, the DOM unit is pretty damn programmer unfriendly. I don't
care if it is W3C compliant or not, it just isn't logical or intuitive
at all.

I'm with you on this one Frank. I would have though the number of
attributes, or child nodes etc would use a Count property.  If it ever
comes down to it, and I am forced to use XML in a project, I would
write a much more simplified API to the DOM unit. GetNode(ANodePath),
ChildCount, Attribute[] and AttributeCount would be on the top of my

  - Graeme -

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