[fpc-pascal] FPC i386 and x86_64 using the same source

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Mon Aug 22 22:51:31 CEST 2011

I want to use a single source for i386 and x86_64 in the FPC as well as Lazarus.
So, I downloaded a clean and fixes_2_6 and ran make x64 without
'install' parameter.

I pointed the INSTALL_PREFIX to another folder. It was
"installed" the FPC (see attachment) with only the exe and PPU
needed ... and this is very good. But in the folder of the sources were
created many other EXEs (utility tools (?)) specific to platform x64
and this is my problem.

In my opinion, everything that was created should have a prefix folder
specifying your TARGET.
If I compile the FPC to x64 plataform all these binaries only will run
on this platform. I want to have each file/exe/ppu/etc for each

Marcos Douglas
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