[fpc-pascal] fpmake exception

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 15:37:40 CEST 2011

On 18/08/11 13:35, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> 2011/8/18 Henry Vermaak<henry.vermaak at gmail.com>:
>> Hello
>> While building fpc on my arm netbook, I found this crash in fpmake:
>> EAccessViolation : Access violation
>>   $00027448  FIXPATH,  line 1737 of src/fpmkunit.pp
>>   $00039E24  TTARGET__SETNAME,  line 5577 of src/fpmkunit.pp
>>   $00027F24  TTARGETS__ADDEXAMPLEPROGRAM,  line 2174 of src/fpmkunit.pp
>>   $000088F4  main,  line 65 of fpmake.pp
>> Attached one-line patch fixes it for me.  Can someone apply it now, or shall
>> I file a bug-report?
> I think the uniquestring call should be just before
> P:=PChar(Result);

Yes, I guess so.  Or someone should just rewrite it to be more 
pascal-ish.  Surely this code isn't performance critical?


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