[fpc-pascal] Obtain Class hierarchy (in MacPas mode)

Adriaan van Os fpc at microbizz.nl
Tue Sep 21 13:42:08 CEST 2010

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Adriaan van Os wrote:
>> I am looking for a way to obtain the class hierarchy of a program in 
>> MacPas mode (where there are no published properties). TObject has 
>> ClassParent, so a list of Class types would be sufficient, I think. I 
>> can't find however a routine in the RTL to obtain such a list.
> There is no such routine in the RTL, to my knowledge.

Can I add it ? I guess a low-level pointer to a list of VMT's would be sufficient to implement it ? 
That is, for object definitions that do have virtual methods ...


Adriaan van Os

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