[fpc-pascal] Anybody know X11 and XDND (drag-n-drop)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 10:08:21 CEST 2010


I'm having trouble fetching the XdndTypeList data. It works 100% on my
32-bit Linux laptop, but now trying on my 64-bit Linux desktop at
work, the XGetWindowProperty() call under 64-bit linux for the
XdndTypeList always returns count = 0, when in fact it should be 8, as
my last section of the output shows. I simply forced count = 8,
because I knew Nautilus has that many types, and wanted to see if my
array of TAtom's actually contains the data - which it does!  So it
does seem to fetch the data, it just doesn't report it in the
variables: actualformat, count, remaining.

Anybody got experience with this and know how I can resolve this problem?

  AtomArray = array [0..0] of TAtom;
  PAtomArray = ^AtomArray;
  s: string;
  actualtype: TAtom;
  actualformat: Integer;
  count, remaining, dummy: longword;
  xdndtypes: PAtomArray;

        XGetWindowProperty(fpgApplication.Display, FSrcWinHandle,
            XdndTypeList, 0, dummy,
            @actualtype, @actualformat, @count, @remaining,
        s := XGetAtomName(fpgApplication.Display, actualtype);
        writeln(Format('  ActualType: %s (%d)', [s, ActualType]));
        writeln('  Actualformat = ', ActualFormat);
        writeln('  count = ', count);
        writeln('  remaining = ', remaining);

------------ [ output of my test program ]--------------------
XdndEnter event received!
  ver(4) check-XdndTypeList(True) data=1E0E816h,67108865,0,0,0
  * We will be using XDND v4 protocol *
  ** We need to fetch XdndTypeList (>3 types)

Actual fetch:  ---------------------
  ActualType: ATOM (4)
  Actualformat = 0
  count = 0                       <---  ????????????
  remaining = 0

Force the count size to be eight: --------------------------
  Format #1 = x-special/gnome-icon-list (564)
  Format #2 = text/uri-list (531)
  Format #3 = UTF8_STRING (283)
  Format #4 = COMPOUND_TEXT (463)
  Format #5 = TEXT (464)
  Format #6 = STRING (31)
  Format #7 = text/plain;charset=utf-8 (465)
  Format #8 = text/plain (466)


  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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