[fpc-pascal] Apple development tools

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Sep 9 15:45:21 CEST 2010

On 09 Sep 2010, at 15:31, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> I've just had my attention drawn to this elsewhere, and thought it  
> would be of general interest.
> "In particular, we are relaxing all restrictions on the development  
> tools used to create iOS apps, as long as the resulting apps do not  
> download any code. This should give developers the flexibility they  
> want, while preserving the security we need.

Perfect! FPC-compiled apps are once again allowed by the new SDK  

3.3.1	Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner  
prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs.

3.3.2	An Application may not download or install executable code.   
Interpreted code may only be used in an Application if all scripts,  
code and interpreters are packaged in the Application and not  
downloaded. The only exception to the foregoing is scripts and code  
downloaded and run by Apple's built-in WebKit framework.

There's no reference anymore to only using particular languages.  
Interestingly, just yesterday I received a reply to the feedback I  
sent to Apple (in April) about how their new SDK agreement locked out  
FPC-compiled apps. The reply read:

"Developers should be testing and developing their apps in line with  
the iOS Developer Program License Agreement. Should you have any  
questions or concerns, we request that you review the iOS Developer  
Program License Agreement details with your own legal counsel. You may  
view a copy of the latest agreement via the Member Center - Your  
Account area: <snip>"

I didn't bother to actually check whether there was a new agreement (I  
figured it was just a boiler plate for "go away"), but given this  
development it does seem that it was grouped with all other objections  
to that change...


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