[fpc-pascal] Re: Cross-compiling with FPC 2.5.1

patspiper patspiper at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 26 17:40:46 CEST 2010

On 10/26/2010 05:48 PM, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> On 26 Oct 2010, at 16:38, patspiper wrote:
>> i686-mingw32-as is present in the crossbinutils bin folder. But the 
>> error concerns i686-cygwin-as...why would it ask for the assembler 
>> with a i686-cygwin prefix?
> Because that's probably the version that the person who added support 
> for cross-assembling to Win32 used. You can change the prefix by 
> adding the following to your make command line:
> OPT="-XPi686-mingw32-"
> If that crossbinutils folder is not in your path, you also have to use
> OPT="-XPi686-mingw32- -FD/full/path/to/crossbinutils"
The wiki needs correction: binutils should be built for cygwin and not 
mingw32 as cygwin is hardcoded for win32 in the script 
buildcrossbinutils.sh. It so happens, as Vincent pointed out, that 2.4.2 
did not need the binutils.

I rebuilt the cross binutils for cygwin and both FPC 2.4.2 and 2.5.1 
were crosscompiled successfully :)

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