[fpc-pascal] IntList

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Tue Oct 19 18:10:39 CEST 2010

Juha Manninen (gmail) escreveu:
> Hi
> In Lazarus project jcf2 component has an IntList class which is poorly 
> implemented. It depends on integer and pointer being the same size.
> I will later suggest to replace it.
> I have a better IntList. See:
>   http://github.com/JuhaManninen/Pascal/blob/master/IntList/intlist.pas
> It is similar to TStringList except that it works with integers.
> It is well tested.
> Question: can this class be added to FCL?
> Clearly such class is needed sometimes and people must make their own versions 
> of it. Generics can solve it in the future but it is not ready yet.

Yes it's ready in fpc 240:

  TIntegerList = specialize TFPGList <Integer>;


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