[fpc-pascal] Where is IsMultiThreaded set under Linux?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 14:52:50 CEST 2010

On 8 October 2010 14:40, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com> wrote:
> 1. If you do a WaitFor the calling thread will be suspended until the thread
> you called WaitFor on terminates (or the timeout elapses, but our WaitFor
> doesn't have a timeout parameter...). Thus it is normal that your main loop
> appears to hang.

I thought about the timeout, and dived into the WaitFor code. So I
changed my code from.



    WaitForThreadTerminate(FThread.Handle, 2000);

I waited for 10 seconds and still nothing. The whole app was frozen.
So it seems the timeout logic in TThread (under unix) is broken too.

> 2. Does your thread really terminate till then? Did you test a thread that
> does nothing and terminates immediatly?

It freezes immediately at the point where I call Syncronize() in the
thread's Execute method. With both options shown above.

If I remove the Syncronize(), then the thread keeps running the loop
inside Execute. Trying to use WaitForThreadTerminate() with the
timeout value > 0, it never happens. So the timeout logic clearly
seems broken.

> I can't help you much with X11, cause I've not yet found the time and the
> need to dig into it.

No problems... just thought I would ask in case you knew.

  - Graeme -

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