[fpc-pascal] bugtracker questions/report (where to send)

Max Vlasov max.vlasov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 10:38:00 CET 2010


don't know where is the best place to ask about the bugtracker and mantis.
Please let me know.

I have two questions:
- Is everything is ok with "steps to reproduce" field in fpc bugtracker? It
never show at the issue view. Hope it saves and and at least the developers
are seeing it.

- Google queries for "fpc bugtracker" "lazarus bugtracker" returns the first
results with ip addresses (not server names). I don't know what is it that
confuses google, but it's not very good, since people could make hardlinks
to IP-identified servers. You know what it means in terms of portability of
such links.


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