[fpc-pascal] Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 71, Issue 50

Hartmut Eilers hartmut at eilers.net
Thu May 20 11:28:07 CEST 2010

Hallo Henry,

thank you for your fast response.
Sorry to say, that I don't understand what you suggest.
Could you explain it a bit more ?

Thanks a lot

>> I have the following code which I want to port to Windows, but
>> I have no idea how the functionality of SelectText may be done
>> in Windows. I googled a lot but unfortunately I found nothing
>> that helped me out. How is something like that handled under
>> Windows ?
>>        {$I-}
>>                if debug then writeLOG('Sock2Text');
>>                Sock2Text(sock,sin,sout);
>>                if debug then writeLOG('reset');
>>                reset(sin);
>>                //if debug then writeLOG('rewrite');
>>                //rewrite(sout);
>>        {$I+}
>>                if debug then WriteLOG('Reading requests...');
>>                if (SelectText(sin,10000)>0) then begin
>>                        Addr_len:=SizeOf(cli_addr);
>>                        csock:=accept(sock, cli_addr,Addr_len);
>>                        Sock2Text(csock,ccsin,ccsout);
>>                        reset(ccsin);
>>                        rewrite(ccsout);
>>                        process_request;
> You can probably get the same effect by using overlapped i/o on the
> file and one of the wait functions, like WaitForSingleObject.
> Henry

Hartmut Eilers                          <hartmut at eilers.net>
http://www.openmsr.org/            http://www.eilers.net

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