[fpc-pascal] about dynamic array

"Vinzent Höfler" JeLlyFish.software at gmx.net
Sun May 9 13:40:33 CEST 2010

> Saturday, May 8, 2010, 5:07:12 PM, you wrote:
> JM> And depending on the usage patterns and the size of the
> JM> elements stored in the array, it probably can be. That's all he
> JM> was saying, and only as a side remark in the context of the
> JM> discussion (which was meanly to steer away a new programmer from
> JM> dynamic arrays to tfplist, which I think is a good idea).
> Thank you, at least one catch my whole idea about when TList can be
> faster that dynamic array or a plain GetMem for the array.

Well, you didn't say "can" previously, you said "it is faster". That's quite a difference.


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