[fpc-pascal] fpDoc Question

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sat May 8 19:29:46 CEST 2010

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 8 May 2010 15:53, Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> wrote:
>> Does fpDoc per chance understand the markup used by pasdoc?  Specifically, I
>> used comments like this:
> fpdoc doesn't use comments from inside the source code. Instead it
> reads the comments from an external XML file and merging it with the
> source code to generate the final output.
> Lazarus's Tooltip Help does read from both external XML and code
> comments, but you cannot export those tooltip help to some help
> format.
> The age old debate (similar to spaces or tabs used as formatting). I
> much prefer external help, because to have detailed help and that help
> is as code comments, your code because very quickly unreadable.
> tiOPF's code comments help is already a borderline case.
> It should be the job of the IDE to make help available as tooltips,
> help window etc - all without the need for code comments. Lazarus IDE
> shows this is quite possible and does a fairly good job of it.

Ah, that right.  I looked at it once, but almost all of my fpc code is shared 
with delphi so I've been using pasdoc for a while now.

Just curious.  Thanks again.

Warm Regards,


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