[fpc-pascal] including libraies ?
Paul Nicholls
paulfnicholls at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 23:15:08 CET 2010
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry A. Haimann" <terry at HaimannOnline.com>
To: <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 9:11 AM
Subject: [fpc-pascal] including libraies ?
>I tried to write a little utility to submit a command to the At Facility.
> The code to do this is as follows:
> program TestPrg;
> Uses Classes, Process;
> Var
> i: Integer;
> Cmd, Pre, Post, StrVar, SwStr: String;
> MyProcess: TProcess;
> SOut, EOut, StdStrLst: TStringList;
> Begin
> StdStrLst := TStringlist.Create;
> SOut := TStringlist.Create;
> EOut := TStringlist.Create; EOut := TStringlist.Create; MyProcess :=
> TProcess.Create(nil); MyProcess.CommandLine := 'at now';
> MyProcess.Options := MyProcess.Options + [poUsePipes]; MyProcess.Execute;
> StdStrLst.Clear;
> StdStrLst.Add('awk -F":" ''{print $1"\t"$3"\t"$4}'' /etc/passwd |
> sort'); StdStrLst.SaveToStream(MyProcess.Input); StdStrLst.Clear;
> StdStrLst.Add(chr(4));
> StdStrLst.SaveToStream(MyProcess.Input);
> SOut.LoadFromStream(MyProcess.Output);
> For i:=1 to SOut.Count Do
> WriteLn(SOut.Strings[i]);
> EOut.LoadFromStream(MyProcess.StdErr);
> For i:=1 to EOut.Count Do
> WriteLn(EOut.Strings[i]);
> End.
> Running this code from a Lazarus test program works with out any problems.
> When running it from a Free Pascal (non gui,) the program finishes
> normally, but nothing gets submitted to the AT Facility.
> uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics,
> Dialogs,
> StdCtrls, Process;
> Someone on the Lazarus List recommend I add SysUtils to my utility
> program. I am not sure how to do this. SysUtils has many included files
> in there and they are all in other directories, none of which are in my
> path. I am sure there is some simple method here that I am totally
> ignorant of.
HI Terry, you should be able to just include SysUtils in your uses clause
without any issues.
The compiler should be able to find that unit (and others needed)
Uses Classes, Process,SysUtils;
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