[fpc-pascal] A patched unit overriding the default - like Delphi supports

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 11:14:40 CEST 2010

Op 2010-06-17 10:51, Marco van de Voort het geskryf:
> Well, it is hard to implement fuzzy details :-)

:-) I was simply asking if somebody tried that with Free Pascal - it wasn't
meant as a feature request.

> Were it third party or components that come with Delphi that you replaced?

I believe it was third party components only.  But I would expect FCL to be
considered a "third party" components.

I guess one way to find out if it works, is to give it a try and see how
FPC processes search paths and if two paths contain the same unit, what
does it do (which one takes preference), or does it simply halt compiling.

The reason I'm asking is, say I have a project that uses fcl-passrc, and in
my project I implemented a new feature or bugfix to fcl-passrc (a
requirement for my project to work), is there a way I can include that
"fixed" unit in my project source so the end-user (developer) doesn't need
to override the original fcl-passrc, and that fix/feature will only be
limited/applied to my project that really needs it. Then hopefully in
future FPC releases that fixes unit will become obsolete as the fix is
included with FPC.

In MSEide, it included units for FPC 2.0.2 and 2.0.4 that the developer
needed to copy over the official released versions to get MSEide to work.
Maybe the idea we used in Delphi 7 could prevent having to overwrite the
official *.pas files in such a case.

Anyway, I'll try it with FPC and report back how it goes.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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