[fpc-pascal] playing sound files (linux and windows)

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 21:51:23 CEST 2010

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> I can't find an example for loading a .wav file.
> Any hints or sample code. The sample included in FCL 2.4.1 loads MAD, A52,
> OGG and ModPlug only. Google revealed a tutorial using AlutLoadWavFile(),
> but that is in the "unofficial utilities library", it's not part of the
> standard OpenAL 1.1 spec, and not included in Linux.

ALUT is included in Linux, although usually in a separate package 
(libalut*). ALUT is "somewhat" official, that is it's development is 
coordinated on the same mailing list and, although separate to openal,
I don't think it will die so soon :) ALUT spec is on 

That said, loading uncompressed WAV files is quite easy, you can see my 
code on 
Look for TSoundWAV.CreateFromStream method.


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