[fpc-pascal] Mozilla XPCOM

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 00:23:51 CEST 2010

Hello FPC-Pascal,

Thursday, June 3, 2010, 6:51:22 PM, you wrote:

JM> Since the RTL is compiled with optimisation enabled, you may
JM> be missing intermediate stack frames. You will have to recompile
JM> it without optimisations to get a full backtrace.

Done, the halt is in fpc code:

Function fpc_Catches(Objtype : TClass) : TObject;[Public, Alias : 'FPC_CATCHES']; compilerproc;
  _Objtype : TExceptObjectClass;
  _ExceptObjectStack : PExceptObject;
  If _ExceptObjectStack=Nil then
{$ifdef excdebug}
     Writeln ('Internal error.');
     halt (255);

And this is the backtrace. Any idea ?
#0  _FPC_LIBC21_HALTPROC () at ./i386/si_c21.inc:146
#1  0x08077fb4 in SYSTEM_EXIT () at system.pp:96
#2  0x080706ba in DO_EXIT () at /home/joshy/pascal/fpc/rtl/inc/system.inc:916
#3  0x080706da in HALT (ERRNUM=0)
    at /home/joshy/pascal/fpc/rtl/inc/system.inc:929
#4  0x0806d944 in fpc_catches (OBJTYPE=<incomplete type>)
    at /home/joshy/pascal/fpc/rtl/inc/except.inc:321
#5  0x0841cf88 in TC_NSXPCOMGLUE_SCOMPMGR ()
#6  0xb6c099c0 in ?? ()
#7  0x082c0978 in INITWINDOWCREATOR () at CallbackInterfaces.pas:108

Is there any way to known the exception type ?

Best regards,

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