[fpc-pascal] Mozilla XPCOM

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 14:45:51 CEST 2010

Hello FPC-Pascal,

Thursday, June 3, 2010, 2:26:58 PM, you wrote:

>> Did you try disabling floating point exceptions? A lot of C code
>> assumes that floating point exceptions are disabled (since that's  
>> what the C library does on startup).
JM> Another possible problem can be the fact that FPC currently is not
JM> fully compliant with the x86-64 ABIs. In particular, the following

I'm aware about that problems, but this is Ubuntu 32 bits. Also
structures seems fine as the nsAString which is in fact being passed
to interfaces is a 4 fields record and this record is passed in the
creation and then used by the interface when called any of the
methods. All methods that are procedures work, functions do not :-? My
next test is to confirm that procedures in the interface after any
function definition works or not.

Is there any manual ASM that I can write to call the interface
function manually ? No parameter is being passed and only returns a 32
bits integer, but I do not know at all how safecall works and even
less how call an interface at all in ASM :( Check ASM generated code
is a possibility too, but the project is big and the setup code is
also quite big and the ASM output could be giant :(

JM> I'm working on a fix for that, and it's finally almost finished.

That's great! :)

Best regards,

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