[fpc-pascal] PChar & AnsiString

Martin fpc at mfriebe.de
Tue Jun 1 17:30:22 CEST 2010

On 01/06/2010 16:13, spir ☣ wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:00:47 +0100
> Martin<fpc at mfriebe.de>  wrote:
>> On 01/06/2010 11:23, spir ☣ wrote:
>>> What is the actual benefit of copy-on-write? I ask because of the following reasoning:
>>> * If a string is just used at several places, for example in output or into bigger strings, then there is no reason reason to copy it into a new variable.
>>> * If a programmer explicitely assigns an existing string to a new variable, the intent is precisely copy-semantics, to make them independent for further changes. If there is no change, there is also no reason for such an assignment.
> [...]
>> No, an assignment, or increase in ref count is not necessarily followed
>> by a change:
>> Procedure Foo(a:String);
>> begin ... end;
>> Procedure Bar;
>> var s: string;
>> begin
>>     s:= SomeString;
>>     Foo(s);
>> end;
>> Now a copy of s has to be given to Foo, because Foo *may* changes the
>> string. But Foo may also *not* change the string =>  so leave it till later.
> For me, parameter passing is just an implicit assignment "param:=s" (with the variant of var params). The same applies to return values when assigned back in calling code (*). I would have thus expected s the pointer to be passed. Just checked it is not the case. More secure, esp since legacy shortstrings do not behave that way.
> This example rather backs my pov, I guess, since here copy-on-write does not apply. But it certainly could, since its application should prevent bad surprises, no? (unexpected change of original variable)
I don't know all the internals of FPC, but yes to my understanding, your 
   "parameter passing is just an implicit assignment"
is absolutely true.

So why do you then say "copy on write" would not apply?
The assignment creates a 2nd reference, and a copy only happens if 
inside Foo a change is made to the string.
=> So according to your own words, copy-on-write is exactly what happens.

Shortstrings have nothing to do with it, they are not reference counted. 
They are a completely different data type.


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