[fpc-pascal] Moving callbackfunctions to class

Darius Blaszyk dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl
Thu Dec 30 17:34:40 CET 2010


GLut defines callback functions, one of them is the display function, which is defined as:

TGlutVoidCallback = procedure; cdecl;

This is set by calling glutDisplayFunc(@MyDisplayFunc); 

As these functions are needed per window, I would like to encapsulate each window in a class something like:

TMyGLutWindow = class
    procedure MyDisplayFunc; cdecl;
    constructor Create;

In the constructor I would like to set the displayfunction. But doing this I get the error:

Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of procedure of object;CDecl>" expected "<procedure variable type of procedure;CDecl>"

Though I understand the error, I do not know if there is a way to circumvent this?

Regards, Darius
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