[fpc-pascal] Cannot get TFPTimer to work

Burkhard Carstens fpc at bcsoft.de
Thu Dec 2 20:01:23 CET 2010

Am Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010 19:39 schrieb Darius Blaszyk:
> Whatever I tried, I cannot get TFPTimer to work. Can someone help?
> For some reason the OnTimer even is never fired. Tried on Windows and
> Linux. Here's a snippet I used as test.
> Regards, Darius


> begin
>   test := TBaseObj.Create;
>   for i := 1 to 1000 do


>     sleep(10);


>   writeln('done');
>   readln;
> end.

Isn't OnTimerExec called using Synchronize?

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