Reason for Win64 instead of Win32 [Was: Re: [fpc-pascal] windows 32bit cross to 64 ?]

Marco van de Voort marcov at
Tue Aug 17 12:43:20 CEST 2010

In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:
> > slight differences from the 32 bit api e.g. regarding exception handling.
> The differences are either slight enough to be left to the developer or 
> be considered CPU dependant (and could thus have been moved into 
> $platform-subdirectories like was done with Linux). And from these CPU 
> dependant differences only exception handling is a bigger problem.

Windows is more binary centric than Linux.

In Linux every app is "linux" and then compiled to linux/x86 etc

On windows, typically binary files are distributed and win64 bins don't work
on win32, so win32<>win64.

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