[fpc-pascal] Lazarus Snapshots Intel Mac with FPC 2.4.1?

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Apr 19 15:35:59 CEST 2010

On 19 Apr 2010, at 15:23, Tobias Giesen wrote:

>> Which bugs?
> I'm sorry but it was a few months ago. Before trying again I wanted to
> make sure I had the best version of FPC available. I had problems with
> units not being found although they were on the search path allright.

This usually means that they were compiled by a previous compiler, or  
that they use units which have been changed and recompiled since the  
previous compilation. In that case, the compiler will ignore the  
precompiled unit and try to recompile it. If it then doesn't find the  
sources, you'll get an error about the unit not being found.

> Also installing packages into Lazarus caused all kinds of unit  
> conflicts
> (Recompiling XYZ.pas because the checksum changed although it didn't).

These things won't change if you update FPC. If anything, you'll  
probably get more such problems because mixing units compiled by  
different compiler versions can also cause such issues.


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