[fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit v0.7-rc1 for FPC 2.4

Helmut Hartl helmut.hartl at firmos.at
Mon Apr 12 10:21:25 CEST 2010

Am 11.04.10 22:59, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 11 April 2010 21:47, Roberto Padovani<padovani.r at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> for the virtualization, the problem is the absence of the drivers for
>> most of the pc hardware.... unless you happen to have a pc with the
>> very few types of devices used in macs.
> Well, virtualization software like VirtualBox "fakes" it's own
> hardware - I'm hoping the faked hardware is similar to a real Mac. My
> real PC is Intel based (Quad Core), graphics card is a average ATI or
> Nvidia card. I believe real Mac's use similar hardware.
>> You don't need to proof anything to buy it, but consider that:
> Good.
The MacOS 10.6 you can buy is a full installation DVD. As far as I know
Apple has no distinction on full / upgrade at least on the newer OS 

Have a look at -> http://prasys.co.cc/tag/empire-efi/
-> they claim that it is legal in some circumstances, but you have to 
decide self.
This is about installation on a intel hardware that is near to a mac.

It is also possible to install OSX on a VMWare (at least), there are 
images, and walkthroughs
existing on the net - i don't think that it iss legal, maybe depending 
on your country law ...


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