[fpc-pascal] Help creating generic class: division problem

Martin fpc at mfriebe.de
Mon Apr 5 16:13:16 CEST 2010

If it is only between int and double, maybe this will help
have on overload function

class function TMedian.Div(Value, Divider: Integer): Integer; // Result 
:= Value div Divider
class function TMedian.Div(Value, Divider: Double): Double; //  Result 
:= Value / Divider

then the compiler chooses dependent on T.

On 05/04/2010 15:04, leledumbo wrote:
> consider the following generic class declaration:
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> type
>    generic TMedian<T>  = class
>      class function Find(x: array of T): T;
>    end;
> class function TMedian.Find(x: array of T): T;
> var
>    i, j, Middle: Integer;
>    Temporary: T;
> begin
>    // Use truncated selection sort to find median
>    Middle := (High(x) + 1) div 2;
>    for i := 0 to Middle do
>      for j := 1 to High(x) - i do
>        if x[j]>  x[j - 1] then begin
>          Temporary := x[j];
>          x[j] := x[j - 1];
>          x[j - 1] := Temporary;
>        end;
>    if Odd(High(x)) then
>      // When High(x) is Odd, there are an even number of elements in array.
>      // Define median as average of two middle values.
>      Result := (x[Middle] + x[Middle - 1]) / 2 //<-- This line
>    else
>      // When High(x) is Even, there are an odd number of elements in array.
>      // Median is the middle value.
>      Result := x[Middle];
> end {Find};
> How can I make it work such that:
> type
>    TMedianInteger = specialize TMedian<Integer>;
>    TMedianDouble = specialize TMedian<Double>;
> is valid?
> See the line marked with<-- above, due to semantic of /, I can't use
> integer because / returns floating point value, Extended to be precise. If I
> change it to div, it won't work (correctly) for floating point values,
> because the precision is lost. Typecasting to T won't work either because
> Extended can't be converted to LongInt (larger to smaller type problem).

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