[fpc-pascal] Printing the FPC documentation

Malcolm Poole malcolm at lingua-z.co.uk
Tue Sep 8 00:01:02 CEST 2009

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Sep 2009, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
>> Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
>>> Well, if there is enough demand, we could definitely consider this.
>> Does it cost anything to become a publisher on lulu.com? I thought it's
>> free and that you only need to upload the PDF document to them. Then
>> they get a percentage from an actual sale. I didn't do much research on
>> this, so I might be wrong.
> I didn't look into it yet. I have plenty of work as it is :-) 

I would definitely be interested in buying a printed version via lulu.com.

I have researched lulu.com in the past for other purposes and the only 
possible problem is that they are fussy about the software used to 
produce the pdf. It either has to be produced with Acrobat or using 
their online (free) conversion tool. OpenOffice, etc  output doesn't 
appear to be an option. However, as the manuals don't have much 
(anything?) in the way of graphics it shouldn't cost too much bandwidth 
to use the online converter (not like the book of old photographs that I 
was considering  :-! ).


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