[fpc-pascal] MySQL

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Oct 16 14:59:03 CEST 2009

On 16 Oct 2009, at 14:51, Vincent Snijders wrote:

> Jonas Maebe schreef:
>> That's correct, FPC 2.2.4 only support i386 and PowerPC for Mac OS  
>> X. The upcoming 2.4.0 release will also support x86_64, PowerPC/64  
>> and ARM.
> As far as I could see, there are no x86_64 Mac OS X snapshots. Is  
> that correct?

Yes. There aren't any PPC64 or (regular) ARM ones either. Both x86_64  
and PPC64 will also only be useful for command line programs, because  
MacOSAll haven't been adapted for 64 bit yet (and a lot of its  
functionality is not available in 64 bit mode).


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