[fpc-pascal] MySQL

Paul Davidson pdavidson at coraxnetworks.com
Thu Oct 15 18:02:40 CEST 2009

Here is the head of the unit:

   Created by Paul Davidson on 2005/01/18.
   Copyright (c) 2005 Corax Networks.Inc.. All rights reserved.
unit cMySQL;
   {$I Directives.inc}
             {$linklib libmysqlclient.a}

Using MySQL 41

Some linker output:
ld: warning: in /Users/pauldavidson/dev/cape96/libmysqlclient.a, file  
is not of required architecture
Undefined symbols:
   "_mysql_get_host_info", referenced from:
   "_mysql_free_result", referenced from:
   "_mysql_close", referenced from:
   "_mysql_error", referenced from:
   "_mysql_store_result", referenced from:

It goes on...
Do note the 'file is not of required architecture'.  Ummm????

Thank you

On 2009-10-15, at 10:27 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

> On 15 Oct 2009, at 16:03, Paul Davidson wrote:
>> On 2009-10-15, at 7:13 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:
>>> On 14 Oct 2009, at 18:14, Paul Davidson wrote:
>>>> FPC 2.2.4
>>>> OS X 10.6.1
>>>> Xcode 3.2
>>>> All references to MySQL function are unresolved by linker.    
>>>> libMySQLclient.a is copied to .pas directory.  Using FPC test  
>>>> code for MySQL as template.
>>> When you use Xcode, you have to use the Xcode way to link with  
>>> libraries: add the library to your project, then add the library  
>>> to the "Link binary with Libraries" phase of your application  
>>> target.
>> Added libmysqlclient.a to the project and it gets automatically  
>> included in Tagets/cape96/Link Binary With Libraries.  Again same  
>> linker errors: Symbols not found.  Also tried libmysqlclient.la.   
>> Same result.
>> When looking at examples and tests in FPC for MySQL they do not  
>> contain any references to this library.
> When you compile outside Xcode, any {$linklib xxx} statements in the  
> (mysql or other) units you use will automatically cause the compiler  
> to tell the linker to link with the specified libraries. So if those  
> units already include {$linklib mysqlclient}, it's not required to  
> explicitly also tell the program to link against it. This changes if  
> you move to Xcode, because Xcode itself does all the linking and  
> there is no way (that I know of) for the compiler to tell it "please  
> also link against these libraries in addition to those specified in  
> the project".
> But you are leaving out important information, such as which mysql  
> unit you are using exactly and which version the libmysqlclient.a  
> comes from. Most examples use the dynamic versions of the mysql  
> units, which means that the mysqlclient library is dynamically  
> loaded at run time rather than statically linked (in which case no  
> linklib statement or other linker instructions are required). Please  
> also mention some example symbols that are reported as being  
> missing, and post the linker step of the Xcode build transcript  
> (select the error on the build transcript and right-click on to see  
> the full tool invocation/output).
> Jonas
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