[fpc-pascal] Dataset modification and reading at the same time

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Tue Oct 6 08:22:07 CEST 2009

On Monday 05 October 2009 15:44:55 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Is it possible to have 2 dataset objects sharing the same memory
> database? Or else any ideas of how to solve this problem other then
> constantly writing changes to the disk and reloading the read dataset?
tmsebufdataset MSEgui trunk has the possibility to read dataset field values 
by rowindex:
   procedure currentbeginupdate; virtual;
   procedure currentendupdate; virtual;
   function currentrecordhigh: integer; //calls checkbrowsemode

       //calls checkbrowsemode, writing for fkInternalCalc only, 
       //aindex -1 -> current record
   procedure currentclear(const afield: tfield; aindex: integer);
   property currentisnull[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: boolean read
   property currentasboolean[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: boolean
                  read getcurrentasboolean write setcurrentasboolean;
   property currentasinteger[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: integer
                  read getcurrentasinteger write setcurrentasinteger;
   property currentaslargeint[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: int64
                  read getcurrentaslargeint write setcurrentaslargeint;
   property currentasfloat[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: double
                  read getcurrentasfloat write setcurrentasfloat;
   property currentasdatetime[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: 
                  read getcurrentasdatetime write setcurrentasdatetime;
   property currentascurrency[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: currency
                  read getcurrentascurrency write setcurrentascurrency;
   property currentasmsestring[const afield: tfield; aindex: integer]: 
                  read getcurrentasmsestring write setcurrentasmsestring;


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