[fpc-pascal] How to solve "variable does not seem to be initialized" compiler hint.

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 13:26:39 CET 2009

Hello Graeme,

Friday, November 20, 2009, 9:42:16 AM, you wrote:

GG> I created a local dcpFillChar() which uses a out parameter. Inside the
GG> implementation of dcpFillChar() I enabled {$HINTS OFF}, and then called
GG> FPC's FillChar().

I had not tested it but you can create a general "Initializers.pas"
unit, which redefine FillChar and maybe some others like "Move", them
add the unit in the last position in your 3rd party unit and compile.
If everything is hint free, you can remove the unit and add a hints

Best regards,

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