suppressing hints[Re: [fpc-pascal] How to solve "variable does not seem to be initialized" compiler hint.]
lazarus at
Fri Nov 20 01:07:19 CET 2009
Vinzent Höfler wrote:
> Rainer Stratmann <RainerStratmann at>:
>> Am Thursday 19 November 2009 23:16:26 schrieb Vinzent Höfler:
>>> {$HINTS OFF}
>>> ... code ...
>>> maybe? Whereas DEFAULT restores the switch to the original state.
>> But then you have to do it everywhere in the code instead of one time.
> Yes, that was the point. I want to disable only those hints which are proven to be bogus. Disabling the globally can be done easier with the message suppressing feature of the upcoming FPC release.
So then the question is, if those macros will work (could be defined in
an include file):
{$DEFINE HintOff = {$PUSH}{$HINT OFF} }
{$DEFINE HintDef = {$POP}}
a:= b_is_not_initialized;
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