[fpc-pascal] Is there a way to declare a static varible in a function body?

yu ping spingyu at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 13:53:01 CET 2009

Thanks, you are realy clever:))

2009/11/18 Frank Peelo <f26p at eircom.net>

> On 18/11/2009 08:10, yu ping wrote:
>> Is there a way to declare a static varible in a function body? the varible
>> should remain the value assigned from last call.
> Typed constant, const /name/ : /type/ = /initial value/;
> Takes the initial value when the program starts, but you can assign new
> values to it. But the value remains constant between calls.
> e.g.
> Function NextI:Integer;
> const
>  NextValue:Integer = 0;
> Begin
>  NextI := NextValue;
>  NextValue := NextValue+1;
> end;
> var
>  x : Integer;
> Begin
>  for x := 1 to 10 do
>    writeln(NextI);
> end.
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