[fpc-pascal] Class procedure assigned to object's event

a.sanguigni at gmail.com a.sanguigni at gmail.com
Tue May 26 16:03:00 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm working on a code I have found on internet about a little ftp client using synapse. This code:

class procedure callback.StatusCMD(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean;
 const Value: string);

defines a class procedure that in delphi mode assigned to:

if cbOnStatusCMD.Checked then

compile fine.
But if I set {$mode objfpc} rather than delphi I got:

main.pas(262,3) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "StatusCMD"

I think because synapse source has delphi mode on.

The following is the type of OnStatus event:

TFTPStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean;
   const Value: string) of object;
Is there a way to compile with objfpc or better which is the difference between two modes for this case ?


Antonio Sanguigni alias slapshot
GioveLUG (Linux User Group) - http://www.giovelug.org
Edupup (Educational distro) - http://www.pieroni.biz/edupup

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