[fpc-pascal] IE 200307043

Prince Riley wmarketing3 at gmail.com
Mon May 25 19:48:07 CEST 2009


There seems to be a bigger issue on this... but perhaps someone else confirm
that the following programs, similar to the failing one, work.

program test1;
     p: Pointer;
    p := nil;
    p := p + 1;

Does work .... and the following program

program test2;
        p: Pointer;
        p := nil;

works also ....    am I the only one getting this result?


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Joost van der Sluis <joost at cnoc.nl> wrote:

> Op zondag 24-05-2009 om 23:14 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Aleksa
> Todorovic:
> > Hi, all!
> >
> > I've just tried to compile some of my old Pascal code, and got IE
> > 200307043. I've tried both 2.2.4 and svn trunk versions. Simple
> > program to generate it:
> >
> > program test;
> > var
> >   p: Pointer;
> > begin
> >   p := nil + 1;
> > end.
> >
> > I couldn't find issue about this in bug tracker, should I report it?
> Yes, an IE is always a bug an should be reported. If you can not a
> report with '200307043' in it, it's not reported yet.
> Joost.
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