[fpc-pascal] locale solution for unix systems

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:49:27 CET 2009

On the rules how to decide which file to process.

First check for LC_ALL environmentvariable, if it is set it overrules
any LC_xxx env.var. set
If no LC_ALL check for env.var. LC_xxx
If no LC_xxx check for env.var LANG
(If nothing there, defualt to US system settings)

The env.var found has the following format:
To get a fallback do (in this order)
       1. remove codeset
       2. remove normalised codeset (I have no Idea what that means)
       3. remove territory
       4. remove modifier.
(fallback method found at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.5.tar.bz2)

However I found that the locale program (/usr/bin/locale) does not
exactly behave like this.

My $LANG = nl_NL.UTF-8
The nl_NL.UTF-8 directory (in /usr/lib/locale) does not exist and it
falls back on nl_NL.utf8

Any comments appreciated.


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