[fpc-pascal]FPC ncrt

Richard Jasmin jasminr at lavabit.com
Sun Jul 19 12:06:06 CEST 2009

I'm using my own.Attaching delay from my timing unit, as its not
inside.These souces are from FPOS @ rjasmin.net.Mario doesn't have all
the updates yet.I've got a more current working copy, I think.

My only issue is clearing the keyboard buffer *before* doing anything
else. Not all keys are used, still working on the keyboard routines. The
video or whatever you want to call it unit works fine.I have Tvision
routines from the [believe it or not] FCL for those interested.

 Linux has SERIOUS issues with anything that doesn't use tvision or
x11.This should get you going in  console window,though.Might work
without x11, as FPOS is Linux based, and uses the linux RTL.Assembler in
routines only when necessary and some routines usually won't work
properly anyway with asembler.

THen again, FPC has code older than ALGOL in the unix and go32
units.Just goes to show you. :-)


BTW, the timer is Accurate.
I can play 'mary had a little lamb' on the PC speaker from inside FPOS.
I'm on a 3.4Ghz machine. Shows you how well the code works.

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